The colors for both of these designs will change based on the color of poster board I find when I go searching later today, but for now I thought adding color would be helpful to get a better feel for the final poster.
As you can see, this first poster is basically the same as the last design with a few minor tweaks, and a concept change. The biggest problem Ben had with my project on Tuesday was my metaphor. If it has to do with the changing of the seasons (from summer to fall), I would have to show that change in another way besides just the changing of the color in the leaves. Since this poster is so abstract, it is hard to tell that those brackets in the tree are leaves enough to show the changing of the seasons alone. My solution for this problem is to make the brackets on the tree represent fruit instead. I believe the shapes and pattern created by these smaller brackets make more sense when seen as fruit rather than leaves. In addition, the only noticeable change when fruit ripens is through the color change. Therefore, the poster can stand as is, and the metaphor will make much more sense. The new pseudo code would read as follows:
if (fruit == ripe) {
color changes from green to red (or whatever colors I find later)
else {
fruit is not ripe and colors do not change
The other question I had was whether or not my design is too simple. In this next design I added a few more trees (still in a very ordered and clean way) to just see if they added anything to the poster.
I have asked around, and the consensus is that the extra trees are unnecessary. I do feel they clutter the poster, and do not add anything to the metaphor.
I think I will stick with the first design, and my plan is to work on the construction and final color choices of the poster this weekend so that on Monday I can get the poster printed, cut out, and pasted onto the back so that it is done and ready to go for the exhibition on Tuesday!
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