Thursday, 19 May 2011

Interactive Poster Prototype

I sat down this week to make the prototype for my if/else interactive poster. The poster should work as follows:

First, there will be a tree design on the top layer of paper that has either the leaves or fruit cut out of it (depending on what I decide to do for my final design of the poster). When you first look at the poster, the leaves or fruit will be one color. For my prototype, I drew a lemon tree, where the lemons start off as green and then eventually "ripen" to yellow.

Then, as you pull the tag at the bottom of the poster, the colors of the leaves/fruit will slowly change with the movement of the tag from one color to the next. In this case, as I said before, the lemons on this tree change from green to yellow.

When the tag is completely pulled out the final color will be displayed. The user can then push the tag back in and start all over.

The biggest problems with this prototype is that the paper I used was too flimsy. This will hopefully be fixed by using poster board for the final.

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