Tuesday 22 March 2011

Notes on "Programming: The Bigger Picture"

Coding is best for:
- Generative animations (animations that change each time they are run)
- Variation, Interaction, Repetition, and Scalability

- Flash/Javascript (slick interactive online applications)
- Javascript (simple websites that get information from elsewhere)
- PHP (accessing databases)
- Processing (standalone interactive artwork or installations)
- C++ (programs like Photoshop)

I'm really glad to hear that once you know one programming language you have a good idea of how the rest work. Last year I used a little PHP in the web site I was programming for my Experience Design class, but I didn't understand why PHP was so important. Now, I understand. I was trying to load a data table from a file. PHP was perfect, but it made my web site way more complicated. Hopefully I will leave this class knowing enough that I can create my own .js files for future web sites!

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