Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Wallpaper Design Refections

When I sat down to make my final wallpaper designs, I knew I had to make my series more cohesive. I was inspired by nature, so I set out to make a series of wallpaper designs that conveyed nature through geometric shapes. I used earthy colors to help this concept come to life.

My main goal was to code the gradient I had planned in my sketches. My biggest problem, however, was trying to get the gradient to stay. I had to add "stop();" to the end of all my wallpaper designs so the loop would stop and create the terraced gradient you see in my designs. Unfortunately this made my work a lot harder, but without that piece of code, the loop would continue and completely fill in all my shapes. This way the program only runs once and you can see the static image I planned to make.

I was really excited to learn how to overlap shapes in processing. I was surprised to find that the shapes at the bottom of the code lay on top of the shapes placed higher in the code. In addition, I learned how to use variables and write the code so that you can resize it to anything and everything will resize with it.

If I had had more time to work on this project I would have changed some of the compositions so that they flowed better together, and I wish I had learned more about getting loops to work with variables. My original idea had been to create a gradient of colors using variables in the fill setting, but I'm not sure that is possible or the right way to do that.

My goal for the next project is to use loops correctly, and try to make something interactive. I want to keep looking at all the different open processing sketches and try dissecting their code until I fully understand what they say whether or not I can copy their steps.

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